Building on the excitement of a sold-out two-week run at 59E59 Theaters in NYC, Looking for Lilith announces that its 2017 Women’s History Month production will be a revival of its 2013 world premiere of Robin Rice’s Alice in Black and White. The production will return to the MeX Theater in March 2017 for eight performances.
A powerful and poignant re-telling of Alice Austen, who fell in love with photography and another woman at a time when women were expected to do neither. Alice in Black and White, by award-winning published New York-based playwright Robin Rice is a humorous and heartbreaking exploration of Alice in a period-hopping story that embraces both love and mystery.
“Beautifully written by Robin Rice, splendidly directed by Kathi E.B. Ellis and featuring an excellent cast, this is one to see” (Marina Kennedy, Broadway World). Reviving Alice at The Kentucky Center will give Louisville audiences exactly that opportunity – experiencing the production that went to NYC in August 2016 for the 150th anniversary of photographer Alice Austen’s birth. The March production also gives long-time LFL supporters an opportunity to revisit a production which, say the Co-Artistic Directors, “people keep asking, when will you present Alice again?” Playwright Rice is delighted that Lilith’s relationship with Alice in Black and White is “proving to be ongoing. I love this company’s work,” she states.
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MAR 9, 10, 11, 13*, 16, 17, 18 | 7:30 pm
MAR 18 | 2:00 pm
TICKETS: $21 | $16 - Students/Seniors
*Community Night - $11
Ticket prices DO NOT include Kentucky Center box office processing fees. Options for avoiding processing fees
Tickets available through
The Kentucky Center Box Office
Audio Description: Friday, March 10
ASL: Thursday, March 16
BY REQUEST ONLY. Please contact The Kentucky Center Access Services hotline at 502-566-5111 (V) or 502-566-5140 (TTY)
Megan Rose Adair, Shannon Woolley Allison^, Laura Ellis^, Joseph Hatfield, Jennifer Thalman Kepler^, Ted Lesley
Christé Lunsford (Scenic Designer), Tom Willis (Lighting Designer), Lindsay Chamberlin^ (Costume Designer), Nathan Roberts (Sound Designer), Lauren Camargo (Stage Manager), Dana Hope (Props Manager), Karole Spangler^ (Dramaturge), Holly Stone^ (Graphic Designer)
^ LFL Company Member
- 2016 production of Alice in Black & White at 59E59 Theaters, NYC. Photos by Holly Stone.
- 2013 production of Alice in Black & White at the MeX Theater at The Kentucky Center, Louisville. Photos by Michael Taggart.