
Looking For Lilith Theatre Company has partnered with Give Lively to securely process your online donation. This transaction will appear on your bank statement as "Looking For Lilith Theatre Company".

Powered by Give Lively

Make checks payable to:
Looking For Lilith Theatre
201 S. Peterson Ave., Suite 401
Louisville, KY 40206

Make that a monthly donation! Spread your love throughout the year.

Spread out your individual gifts across twelve months! 
The show must go on . . . But it wouldn’t even reach the rehearsal stage were it not for the generous support of donors and patrons like you! Recurring donations provide a reliable revenue stream throughout the year and help LFL plan more effectively. This means more of your contribution goes to supporting the artistic entertainment and educational programming created by Looking for Lilith. Help us be better stewards of your gifts while making the experience of giving easier on yourself.

  • It deepens your commitment to the local arts community and arts education.
  • It allows you to be more generous by spreading your support throughout the year.
  • It's easy! And more accessible to fold into your budget than a one-time gift.
  • Together we can maintain and grow LFL’s financial capacity!

Already shopping?
When you designate Looking for Lilith as your non-profit of choice, we receive a percentage of the cost of your purchase.

You shop. LFL benefits.
Now that's a deal!