Opening Night Delayed! Following the June 13th fire and building closure, Looking for Lilith and The Kentucky Center have been working together to determine how to proceed with our production of We. Are. Here. We've just had news that The Kentucky Center will be closed through our planned run, but Bellarmine University has graciously opened their Black Box Theater for our performances! Updated performance schedule below.
Audience members who have already purchased tickets via The Kentucky Center Box Office will receive notification of a refund, and are encouraged to re-purchase their tickets through LFL.
Stay tuned to our website and social media for updates, and thanks for your patience! #WeAreHereAndNotGoingAnywhere #TheShowMustGoOn
Statement from The Kentucky Center:
The Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts sustained considerable damage on Wednesday, June 13, when a fire started within its arched ceiling above the main lobby. Most of damage appears to be from water, confined mostly to the lobby area.
We are currently assessing the damage to the entire facility and will determine when the building will reopen, as well as the impact on upcoming shows and events.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the men and women of the Louisville Metro Fire Department for their quick action and professionalism. We will continue to provide additional information once we have completed a full assessment of the situation.
A Newly-Devised LFL Original Production
Director: Kathi E.B. Ellis
Devising Director: Jennifer Thalman Kepler
JUN 18, 22-24, 2018
Bellarmine University
Black Box Theater, Wyatt Center for the Arts
Norris Place & Bellarmine Blvd, Louisville, KY 40205
We. Are. Here. closes out Looking for Lilith’s 2017-2018 season June 18, 22-24 at Bellarmine University's Black Box Theater at Wyatt Center for the Arts. LFL’s newest original work explores our company’s and community’s responses to the political, social, and economic turmoil that has succeeded the 2016 election.
The production is directed by Co-Artistic director Kathi E.B. Ellis. The six person acting company includes LFL Founder and Co-Artistic director Shannon Woolley Allison with Jomaris DeJesus (Luz) and Jane Embry Watts (As It Is In Heaven, Sidewinders) returning to the Lilith stage. Newcomers Adama Abramson, Jo Valor and Angela Williams are making their Lilith debuts. The creative team is comprised of artists returning to LFL: Lighting Designer Tom Willis (Orlando, Alice in Black and White), Costume Designer Amy Davis (Becoming Mothers, Luz) and Sound Designer Alex Cooper (Carefully Taught). Stage Manager Sam Jenkins (As It Is In Heaven, Prevailing Winds) also returns to LFL.
LFL’s newest play incorporates oral histories, as well as contemporary media articles about “hot button” issues, including immigration, education, white privilege, institutional racism, gun control, and more. We. Are. Here. centers those issues in the lives of four families from very different backgrounds whose personal circumstances and daily choices are affected by these issues. A core approach for LFL, to all issues, is unpacking the role of women, queer and straight, white and of color, in our contemporary discourse.
We. Are. Here. was created through LFL’s well-honed devising skills with LFL Co-Founder/Artistic director Jennifer Thalman Kepler helming the devising process. Thalman Kepler and the diverse devising team have created a powerful, timely exploration of today’s world.
Join us for a Talk-Back on Saturday June 23 following the evening performance to engage in a conversation with local panelists about "How To Be An Ally".

JUN 18, 22, 23 | 7:30 pm
JUN 23 | 2:00 pm
JUN 24* | 5:30 pm
Wyatt Center for the Arts
TICKETS: $20 | $15 - Students/Seniors
*Community Matinee - $10
Contact our box office at 502.638.2559
or boxoffice@lookingforlilith.org.
Plan your visit to Bellarmine!
Wyatt Center for the Arts is most easily reached from Norris Avenue. Park in the large lot, on the side closest to where Norris becomes Douglass. Wyatt is the triangular building on the east side of the lot. Either go up the steps and enter through the glass doors on your left, or walk up the sloping path past the art gallery and enter through the glass doors by the traffic circle.
Adama Abramson, Shannon Woolley Allison^, Jomaris DeJesus+, Jo Valor, Jane Embry Watts, Angela Williams
Kathi E.B. Ellis^ (Director), Tom Willis (Lighting Designer), Amy Davis (Costume Designer), Alex Cooper (Sound Designer), Holly Stone^ (Graphic Designer), Sam Jenkins (Stage Manager)
Jennifer Thalman Kepler^, Devising Director
Todd Rogers, Ellen Archer, Xenia Miller, Julia Bright Moran, Kathi E.B. Ellis^, Ebony Nolana Jordan^, with Sara G. B. Canary^, Trina Fischer^, Jill Marie Schierbaum^, Holly Stone^, Lindsay Chamberlin^, Haydee Canovas, Shannon Woolley Allison^ and the original
^LFL Company Member +LFL Board Member