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Looking for Lilith Theatre Company
presents a new play by
Clarity Hagan

Just Cause:
the story of the Lexington Six
based on "The Lexington Six" by Josephine Donovan
and primary source documents.

March 6-9
The MeX Theater at The Kentucky Center

Experience the true story of bank robbers, FBI Agents, and six young people who made Queer Kentucky history.

Just Cause: The Story of the Lexington 6 - In 1974, two queer anti-war, bank-robbing women briefly hid out among the lesbian feminist community in Lexington, Kentucky, not revealing their identities to anyone. In the months after they left, the FBI descended on the queer community in Lexington, asking folks to give up all privacy and bonds of trust and community in the name of catching these two fugitives. Follow the story of six young people -- five lesbians and one gay man -- who made queer Kentucky history when they decided to resist this FBI harassment, even if that meant losing all feelings of safety and security, and even if it meant going before a judge and a grand jury. This new play, written by Clarity Hagan, is based on the book The Lexington Six by Josephine Donovan, as well as primary source documents.

JUST CAUSE: the story of the Lexington Six

March 6, 7, 8 @ 7:30p
March 9 @ 2:00p
*talk-backs after every performance*

The MeX Theater at
The Kentucky Center

501 West Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202

TICKETS: $20 (+fees)
Ticket prices DO NOT include KPA
& credit card processing fees.

Kentucky Performing Arts Box Office
800.775.7777 | 502.584.7777

Audio Description and ASL

Reservations must be made in advance by February 12th. Contact the ArtsAccessibility Hotline at (502) 566-5111 (V) or (502) 566-5140 (TTY) or email ArtsAccessibility.


“I am so excited for Looking for Lilith to continue their tradition of lifting up under-heard voices by sharing this fascinating and little-known piece of queer Kentucky History.” 
- Clarity Hagan, Just Cause Playwright and LFL Company Member