Shannon Woolley Allison, Founder & Co-Artistic Director
Jennifer Thalman Kepler, Founder & Co-Artistic Director
Trina Fischer, Founding Director, PR & Marketing Associate
Holly Stone, Creative Communications Director
Jill Marie Guelda, Social Media Coordinator
Adama Abramson | Ellie Archer | Tiera Bowman | Hannah Brooks | Dawn Campbell | Sara Canary | Meg Caudill | Lindsay Chamberlin | Laura Ellis | Clare Hagan | Ebony Jordan | Izzy Keel | Karole Spangler | Emily Stewart | Jane Embry Watts | Morgan Younge


Adama Abramson
First LFL Production: 2018 - WE.ARE.HERE.
Adama is excited to be working with LFL. LFL works include COMMON THREADS: PORTRAITS OF A PANDEMIC, FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN, NOTE, DEFINING INFINITY, WE.ARE.HERE. Community performances have included EURYDICE (University of Louisville Mainstage), THE LONG CHRISTMAS RIDE HOME (University of Louisville Mainstage), DON’T TELL ME I CAN’T FLY (University of Louisville Rep Co.), BARE: A POP OPERA (UofL Studio Theatre), ANNIE (Ain't I a Woman Playfest), FEAST: A YORUBA PROJECT (UofL Studio Theatre), and THE MOTH AND THE MASKED MAN (Clarity Hagan). They are an actor touring schools and parks with Kentucky Shakespeare Festival. They received their BS in Theatre from the University of Louisville.

Shannon Woolley Allison
First LFL Production: 2001 - CROSSING MOUNTAINS
Despite stints working, performing, and teaching in Chicago, Denver, and New York City, Shannon (she/her) is Louisville, KY born and bred! She attended the Youth Performing Arts School before earning her BFA in Acting at Southern Methodist University, and her Master’s in Educational Theatre at New York University. In 2001, Shannon co-founded Looking for Lilith Theatre Company, and serves as Co-Artistic Director to this day. Most recent performances include FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN/THE SUFFRAGE DRIVING & WALKING TOUR, and NOTE by Allie Fireel, and recent directing credits include the LFL original DEFINING INFINITY and Diana Grisant’s THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP. She oversees the development of the company and the execution of its mission in creating both performances and residencies that speak to the needs of those whose voices are unheard. She is proud to be a roster artist for the KY Arts Council, a board member of the Fund for the Arts and the Arts and Cultural Alliance, and a member of Alternate ROOTS, The Network of Ensemble Theatres, The Alliance for Theatre in Education, and The Louisville Theatre Community.

Ellie Archer
First LFL Production: 2019 - DEFINING INFINITY
Ellie was inducted into Looking for Lilith in late 2020. As a company member, she has worked on FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN and COMMON THREADS: PORTRAITS OF A PANDEMIC. Before joining, she worked on the LFL shows WE. ARE. HERE., THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP, and DEFINING INFINITY. When not working on scripted projects, Ellie also does improv comedy with the all women improv group, The Hystericals. Ellie graduated from Western Kentucky University in 2017 with a BA in Theatre.

Tiera Bowman
First LFL Production: 2009 - CHOICES
Louisville Native Tiera was most recently seen in COMMON THREADS: PORTRAITS OF A PANDEMIC, MAC'S WORLD and as Georgia Nugent in FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN/THE SUFFRAGE DRIVING & WALKING TOUR, but has been working with Looking for Lilith Theatre Company since she was in high school. She joined the LFL team through one of their community outreach programs that was hosted at Fern Creek High School, called CHOICES: AN INTERACTIVE PLAY ON CYBERBULLYING AND SUICIDE. After high school, Tiera got her bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts at Northern Kentucky University and immediately found a home at Looking for Lilith. She has been a Devising team member & Actor for The Kentucky Suffrage Project. She is also a teaching artist for various community outreach programs & is still a part CHOICES.

Hannah Brooks
First LFL Production: 2021 - FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: The Suffrage Driving and Walking Tour
Hannah (they/them) is a local costumes and props designer who occasionally dabbles in non-traditional set design. Hannah has been designing around town since summer of 2017. They have worked with Bunbury Theatre Company, The Kentucky Opera, Stage One, and Commonwealth Theatre Center. Theatre and the arts are their biggest passion and they love the community and friends they've made over the years. Their productions with LFL include The Suffrage Driving and Walking Tour and Common Threads and the LFL supported The Moth and the Masked Man. When not working on a show, Hannah enjoys drawing, making stickers, and binging tv and movies

Dawn Campbell
Dawn Campbell (she/her) holds an MA in Theatre Studies (Fontbonne University, MO) and a BS in Theatre Performance (University of Evansville, IN). A Kentucky native, who moved back home from Las Vegas in 2023, she is an arts educator and side-gig Choreographer/Director/Movement Coach. Upon her return to Louisville, she once again joined LFL as a Company Member. LFL production credits include: FABRIC, FLAMES AND FERVOR: GIRLS OF THE TRIANGLE; CHOICES: AN INTERACTIVE PLAY ON CYBERBULLYING AND SUICIDE; BEYOND THE BLUE MOUNTAINS; MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING; BECOMING MOTHERS; ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE; I'M WEARING MY OWN CLOTHES; and a staged reading of THE HELPERS.

Sara G.B. Canary
First LFL Production: 2002 - CROSSING MOUNTAINS
Sara was introduced to LFL in 2002 as Stage Manager for CROSSING MOUNTAINS, and immediately started touring with LFL. Between 2002 and 2007 she stage managed all of LFL’s original plays, assisting with props, running lights and sound, coordinating volunteers, and touring to schools. She continued to become more involved with fundraising and research and devising. Sara worked at University of Louisville as their Properties Master, creating props for their productions. She worked with a few other theatre companies during college, acting and stage managing, but quickly established her permanent home with Lilith. In 2006 she graduated from the University of Louisville with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Liberal Studies where she got her minor in Theatre and concentrations in Humanities and Women and Gender Studies. Since moving to Champaign, IL in 2007 she has continued to travel with LFL as stage manager taking shows to college campuses when she can. In 2012, Sara made her LFL acting debut for 10 Years, 7 Stories and BECOMING MOTHERS,. She reprised her role in the 2013 production of Becoming Mothers, and was in LFL’s 15th Season Festival adaptation of CROSSING MOUNTAINS.

Meg Caudill
First LFL Production: 2012 - BEYOND THE BLUE MOUNTAINS
Originally from Southeastern KY, Meg moved to Louisville in 2007 as a teaching artist and tour actor for Kentucky Shakespeare. She most recently appeared in FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN/THE SUFFRAGE DRIVING & WALKING TOUR. Previous LFL shows include Claudia in GOOD GRIEF, THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP (props design), ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE (2017 production - Sally), BECOMING MOTHERS (ensemble), and BEYOND THE BLUE MOUNTAINS (Sarah). Meg works at Commonwealth Theatre Center (CTC) as the Education Resource Manager where she teaches in both Outreach and Conservatory programs. She is a proud alum of the Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP) and has spent many summers returning to GSP as faculty/staff.

Lindsay Chamberlin
First LFL Production: 2009 - FABRIC, FLAMES, AND FERVOR
Lindsay started her career in California as a Halloween costume designer before moving to Louisville over ten years ago. Recently she has designed THE NETHER, SWINGTIME CANTEEN, BOYS IN THE BAND, METAMORPHOSIS and ORLANDO. She is an Associate Company Member of LFL and Resident Costume Designer for Pandora Productions. In 2016, she went to New York City to design ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE in a successful off-Broadway production with Looking for Lilith.

Laura Ellis
First LFL Production: 2009 - CROSSING MOUNTAINS
Laura has been a Looking for Lilith company member since 2011, appearing in CROSSING MOUNTAINS, MUCH ADO, CLASS OF ‘70, GETTING OUT, THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP and one very memorable incarnation of FABRIC, FLAMES AND FERVOR. She also originated the role of Gertrude Tate in Lilith’s production of ALICE IN BLACK & WHITE, both in Louisville and New York. Laura is the resident sound designer for Kentucky Shakespeare, and regularly performs with Pandora Productions, Louisville’s LGBT company. When she’s not acting, she sings ‘30s & ‘40s “bourbon jazz” with Billy Goat Strut Revue. By the harsh light of day she is a humble public radio producer at WFPL & answers all your questions at curiouslouisville.org.

Trina Fischer
First LFL Production: 2001 - CROSSING MOUNTAINS
Trina (she/they) received a B.S. in Performance Studies with a minor in Latin American Studies from Northwestern University after attending the Youth Performing Arts School in Louisville, KY. Subsequently, she spent a year in Santiago, Chile studying acting on a Fulbright grant. She has performed at Actors Theatre of Louisville, Manhattan Theatre Source, CenterStage NY, and worked with Bridgework Theatre, Necessary Theatre, Blue Apple Players, StageOne Children’s Theatre and Pandora Productions. For seven years, she worked as a teaching artist with CUNY’s Creative Arts Team in New York City schools, exploring social justice issues and helping develop literacy skills through interactive drama curriculums, and is on the Kentucky Arts Council’s teaching artist roster. She specializes in “early learning through the arts,” working with 4-7 year olds. During that time, she helped co-found Looking for Lilith. With Looking for Lilith, she has helped create, produced and/or performed in almost all of its original works, including producing and performing in their tours. She is a proud member of Alternate ROOTS and a certified Alba Emoting instructor. Favorite performances include: MARISOL (New World Players), THE LARAMIE PROJECT (Pandora Productions), AND BABY MAKES 7 (Necessary Theatre), WHAT MY HANDS HAVE TOUCHED (LFL), FABRIC, FLAMES AND FERVOR: GIRLS OF THE TRIANGLE (LFL), and BODY AWARENESS (LFL).

Jill Marie Guelda
First LFL Production: 2008 – STRANGERS/EXTRANJERAS
Jill Marie is a Louisville based multimedia artist, designer and creative. She has been working with LFL since 2006, when she joined us as in intern. She is the creator behind Design Studio 749 (www.designstudio749.com), works as Digital Branding and Marketing Coordinator with LFL, and is Co-Owner of Marie-Mae Photography (www.facebook.com/mariemaephoto).

Clare Hagan
Clare is a theatre artist from Louisville, Kentucky, with a particular interest in work which lifts up under-heard voices, not only in its content, but also in the way in which that work is produced and presented. In 2019, Clare stage managed WENDY’S NEVERLAND, an interactive, devised theatre production which took place inside of three rural Kentucky nursing homes, inviting community members, staff, and elders in as collaborators and performers. Like many members of the core artistic team, Clare took on multiple roles during the production, including visual artist, musician, and performer. During this project, Clare discovered their love for devised, community-based theatre in which her passion for art and activism felt most fully integrated. Clare went on to work with many of the same creative team members in bringing EZELL: BALLAD OF A LAND MAN to life in a forest in Rockcastle County, Kentucky. In 2021, Clare became an official company member of Looking for Lilith. Clare has served as a musical director, deviser, performer, researcher, stage manager, and video editor for LFL projects such as GOOD GRIEF, THE KENTUCKY SUFFRAGE PROJECT and COMMON THREADS. Clare is also a member of the Derby City Playwrights. She has also worked for Actors Theatre of Louisville, facilitating New Voices Playwriting workshops. She has written various plays, including THE LEXINGTON SIX, and THE MOTH AND THE MASKED MAN, of which LFL supported the 2022 production. They also direct, having created three witches shakespeare, a company that debuted their creation with a queer Midsummer Night's Dream at The Louisville Nature Center.

Ebony Jordan
First LFL Production: 2013 – BECOMING MOTHERS
Ebony was most recently seen as Mary Virgina Cook Parrish in FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN/THE SUFFRAGE DRIVING & WALKING TOUR. As a Company Member for LFL, she’s appeared onstage as Schwan in THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP, Alice/Charlotte in CAREFULLY TAUGHT, Regina/James in CLASS OF ‘70, and Sister Phoebe in AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, among other roles. She has also served on the devising teams for PREVAILING WINDS, WE.ARE.HERE. and THE KY SUFFRAGE PROJECT. She serves on the community outreach committee, which is heading up the company’s Racial Justice Initiative. She holds a B.A. in Theatre from Brenau University and first moved to Louisville to pursue her M.F.A. in Theatre from University of Louisville.

Izzy Keel
First LFL Production: 2019 – DEFINING INFINITY
Izzy (they/them) is an actor and playwright born and raised in Louisville. A theatre major who graduated from University of Kentucky, they are currently pursuing their master’s degree. Some of their self written works include the queer musical about theatre people STARSTRUCK (co-written with Eileen Doan) and the science fiction exploration of gender IAAI. Their performances with Looking For Lilith include roles in DEFINING INFINITY, JUST LIKE US, and GOOD GRIEF. They also assist with LFL’s teaching programs in the summer and after school. Izzy has been blown away with the continually inclusive and uplifting messages LFL tries to promote, not limiting their feminism to the white, cis, or abled community, but instead embracing and exploring the intersections of many marginalized groups. Izzy’s theatrical goals are to build community and dismantle dominant power structures in Kentucky. They hope to accomplish this by sharing stories, sharing resources, sharing compassion, and most importantly, listening. Izzy believes that the world can, must, and will change for the better, and that the arts are a powerful tool for doing so. Izzy is queer and neurodivergent and seeks to bring these perspectives attention and respect, while also following their personal principles as well as LFL’s of exploring the intersections of these issues with race, class, nationality, religion, and myriad other factors. And of course, they always hope to produce theatre which promotes thought, hope, and compassion.

Jennifer Thalman Kepler
First LFL Production: 2001 - CROSSING MOUNTAINS
Jennifer (she/her) is an LFL Co-founder and Co-Artistic Director, as well as actor, director, devising director and teaching artist. She has performed in CROSSING MOUNTAINS, WHAT MY HANDS HAVE TOUCHED, CLASS OF ’70 (2004, 2013), FABRIC FLAMES AND FERVOR, BEYOND THE BLUE MOUNTAINS, 10 YEARS, 7 STORIES, GETTING OUT, LUZ, CAREFULLY TAUGHT and JUST LIKE US. Jennifer originated the role of Alice Austin in ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE in both Louisville and New York. Jennifer has served as devising director for WHAT MY HANDS HAVE TOUCHED and WE.ARE.HERE and as devising/production director for CHOICES, BECOMING MOTHERS, and The KENTUCKY SUFFRAGE PROJECT. She also directs the devising process with young people and develops curriculum through LFL’s GirlSpeak program and in-school residencies.

Karole Spangler
First LFL Production: 2009 - CROSSING MOUNTAINS
Karole was most recently seen as Susan Look Avery in FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN/THE SUFFRAGE DRIVING & WALKING TOUR. She has acted in, directed, or stage-managed over 132 productions in 15 states, including Alaska. She holds an MFA from UW-Madison, has taught at universities and arts programs across the country, and has done about every job there is to do in a theatre at one time or another, many of them for companies right here in The ‘Ville. She’s blessed to call LFL her artistic home and some of her favorite roles include the extraordinary Emilie Du Chatelet in LEGACY OF LIGHT, the underestimated Benedick in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, and the glib Dr. Carol in THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP.

Emily Stewart
Emily is thrilled to be one of LFL’s newest company members after working on the KENTUCKY SUFFRAGE PROJECT since 2018 and as an outreach teaching artist. Emily has a BFA in Drama from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and has performed in New York City and regionally, but these days she can mostly be found in the recording studio narrating audio books for her business Empyrean Productions, Inc. After many years away, she is happy to be living in Louisville again with life-partner-in-crime Chris. Emily is a proud Kentuckian, plant mom, and lover of all things DIY! For more on her upcoming project converting a utility van into a mobile recording studio/camper, visit www.welcometotheempyre.com.

Jane Embry Watts
First LFL Production: 2015 – AS IT IS IN HEAVEN
After graduating from WKU in Theatre and Dance, Jane Embry moved to New Orleans and choreographed for the National WW2 museum. Upon returning to KY, she taught for the Louisville Ballet, gave ballroom dance lessons and choreographed for different groups. JE has been performing for LFL for 10 years. She has performed with Lilith in shows such as AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, SIDEWINDERS, WE. ARE. HERE., GOOD GRIEF, and JUST CAUSE: THE STORY OF THE LEXINGTON SIX. She is thrilled to have found her Theatre family.

Holly Stone
First LFL Production: 2012 – MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING
Holly (she/they) has been working with LFL since 2012 and has been a Company Member since 2013. She is the Director of LFL’s Marketing & Communications Department and participates in the research and devising of original works. Past LFL credits include THE KENTUCKY SUFFRAGE PROJECT (Research Co-Director/Videographer & Editor), GOOD GRIEF (Videographer & Editor), JUST LIKE US (Scenic Designer), DEFINING INFINITY (Touring Set Designer), THE PATRON SAINT OF LOSING SLEEP (Projections Designer), CROSSING MOUNTAINS (Touring Set Designer), LEGACY OF LIGHT (Set & Props Co-Designer) and PREVAILING WINDS (Projections Designer/Research Co-Director). Recent non-LFL projection designs include BUYER & CELLAR and FUN HOME with Pandora Productions. Holly spent 15 seasons with KY Shakespeare and has been working in and around the Louisville theatre community for over 25 years as an administrator, scenic artist & designer, projections designer, house manager, stage manager, production manager and actor. Holly studied art and theatre at the Youth Performing Arts School/duPont Manual, Louisville Visual Art Association, Young Actor’s Institute, KY Shakespeare’s Apprentice program, and Wright State University’s Theatre Design and Technology Program.

Morgan Younge
Originally from Nashville, TN, Morgan is an active member of the Louisville theatre community. Productions include Roberta in HIT THE WALL (Pandora Productions); Truvy in STEEL MAGNOLIAS (Faith Works Studios); Momma in OH LORD! MAMMA DONE BURNT THE BISCUITS! (Smoked Apple Theatre Group); Maybelle in BEFORE IT HITS HOME (The Griot Project); and the original LFL productions of FROM BARDSTOWN TO BROADWAY: THE ROAD TO VOTES FOR WOMEN/THE SUFFRAGE DRIVING & WALKING TOUR, GOOD GRIEF, COMMON THREADS and the LFL supported THE MOTH AND THE MASKED MAN. Morgan considers herself a Theatre Professional also working as costumer, writer, director and teaching artist. Recently, Morgan was awarded a grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women to produce a summer camp of her original script HIP HOP HERC, produced in August 2021. Please visit her website, morganMYounge.com.
Our hearts are broken and our spirits are grieving, as we are saddened to share that our dear talented director, friend, colleague, writer, sister, and Co-Artistic Director, Kathi E B Ellis, passed away on July 15, 2019. We will forever miss the light and creative mind she brought to anything and everything she did. Read more...