Fund for the Arts
5x5 and TAG applications
for the 2024-2025 school year!
Friday, September 6, 2024
at 11:59pm
5×5 and TAG support K-12 teachers and administrators in enhancing classroom instruction throughout the Fund for the Arts service area. The Fund for the Arts service area generally includes Bullitt, Jefferson, Oldham, and Shelby counties in Kentucky; and Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Indiana. Both 5×5 and TAG programs are directly connected to core learning outcomes and complement what students are learning in the classroom.
5×5 and TAG are grant-funded programs. To request 5×5/TAG for your school, teachers and administrators apply through the Fund for the Arts online grant portal. Applications should be submitted by your school’s 5×5/TAG liaison. If you do not know who your school’s liaison is, or a new liaison is needed, please check with your principal or contact grants@fundforthearts.org. All applications must have principal approval before they are submitted.
If awarded, your school will work directly with the arts program provider to schedule programming. While a school is awarded the program grant, Fund for the Arts pays arts program providers for awarded programs and pays schools for awarded Field Trip bus funds.
K-12 teachers and administrators in Bullitt, Jefferson, Oldham, and Shelby counties in Kentucky; and Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Indiana may apply for 2024-2025 5×5/TAG. 5×5/TAG funding can only be awarded to programs occurring during school time.
If you are interested in TAG but your school or county is not eligible this year, please contact grants@fundforthearts.org to explore ways that your school or county may become eligible.
If you have questions about how to complete the 5x5 or TAG application, please reach out to the Fund for the Arts (grants@fundforthearts.org).
Bring Looking for Lilith
to your classroom!
Need help with your LFL grant application? Let's start a conversation.
2024-2025 5x5 & TAG OFFERINGS

Grades K-2
Performance Workshop (75 min)
or 3-day Residency (45-60 min)
5-30 students
$450 per Performance Workshop.
*350 for additional on same day
$1000 per Residency
TAG & 5x5 eligible, p. 25
Even Puppets Have Problems: interactive drama for managing conflict
Empower your students with essential life skills in a fun and engaging way. Step into the world of our puppeteer's interactive show, where puppet friends grapple with their emotions and conflicts. Students help by offering solutions to help our puppets manage their anger and resolve their differences. In the residency version, students also get to use role-play to explore how to handle real life peer conflicts, and practice some more ways to express anger safely, calm down & problem-solve. Addressing such “pre-bullying” behavior with younger audiences sets them up to have more tools to resist bullying as they mature. **

Grades K-2
1 or 3 sessions, 60 minute sessions
5-30 students
$300 per single Workshop,
*$250 additional workshops same day
$750 per 3-session Residency
TAG & 5x5 eligible, p.44
Monsters Under the Bed: Coping with Fear and Anxiety
Ever met a Monster...? Join us for an adventure as our teaching artists guide students in exploring their environment and discovering a friendly monster that lives there. This workshop and/or residency addresses issues of fear and anxiety, and introduces coping mechanisms through creating a character.

Grades 3-5
4-day Residency, 60 minute sessions
5-30 students
TAG & 5x5 eligible, p. 28
Exploring Perspectives: Native Americans Encounter Europeans
This 4 day drama residency uses Jane Yolen’s book Encounter to explore perspectives and foster empathy. Exploring Perspectives offers the indigenous Taíno perspective of Christopher Columbus landing on the island of San Salvador in 1492.

Grades 4-12
3-10 day Residency, 60 minute sessions
5-30 students
$250 first session,
*$150 each additional session
TAG & 5x5 eligible, p. 64
YouthSpeak & GirlSpeak: Introduction to Devising
Your stories, your way! LFL artists guide students through a collaborative playwriting process (devising) to create scenes on a topic that is important to them. Topics can also be chosen by the teacher, in collaboration with the teaching artist, to fit curricular content of the class. (YouthSpeak is co-educational and GirlSpeak is specifically geared towards youth of marginalized genders.)
**Our Interactive Theatre to Resist Bullying Programming for Grades 3-12 is not being actively offered this season, but we are open to inquiries, and our resources pages are still available below.