What are story circles?
For 18 years, Looking for Lilith Theatre has used stories as the foundation of our mission, as we create original plays that lift up underheard voices. Through our longtime membership in Alternate Roots, we have been proud to learn story circle methodology from our theatre elders at JuneBug Productions and Roadside Theatre.
Put simply, a story circle is a group of people each responding to a prompt with a personal story. Everyone speaks uninterrupted, and a facilitator gently guides the process. You don’t need to have any experience to join a story circle. You simply show up, listen, and share.
Share your story below!
“The rules of the story circle are the rules of civil participation in society.
You agree to listen. You agree to respect.”
- John O’Neal, Founder of Junebug Productions

"Story circles bring people together in an equitable, collective experience to share their stories. Leaders of social change efforts have used story circles to stimulate memory, share experiences, and/or to build community solidarity through remembering events, people, or repertoires. Junebug Productions refers to this as ‘CREATING A TAPESTRY OF COMMUNITY’ and has used stories to share experiences of the Civil Rights movement."
-NYU Wagner Research Center
Don't wait for the Story Circle...
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Description and outline summary written by John O’Neil (pdf)
Story Circle Guidelines (pdf)
Story Circle Guidelines in Spanish
You and Your Community Stories Booklet
Story Circles as Assessment Tool